Sunday, August 19, 2007


She will never be your Mother -
Not this one.
We will choose another for you.

You must learn of manners,
And propriety...
And things of the world a woman must know.

You must learn of courtesy,
Which side the fork goes on...
And things of the world a woman must know.

She will teach you well...
…....the new one.
She will teach you of life,
And the order of things,
…..and love.

Ah, yes! I know of love.

I was very young,
But when I close my eyes I see her…
And feel her….
…..the first one.

The gift she gave…...precious!
I whisper it into the ears of my children.

For all I know of her…
All I see….
All I feel...
Is deep..

Victoria 2000
Painting: Red Rose -by Justin