Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tristin, my child,
Go barefoot today.
The world smells of clover,
And jasmine and May.
The world smells of jasmine,
The sun's in the sky,
And winter has finished
Her last lullaby.
Tristin, my child,
I am worry and care.
You are simplicity,
Precious and rare.
You are the freckles,
Now gone from my nose.
You are the guru,
I wished for and chose.
How could I scold you,
Or hope to be wise.
You are forever,
My stern heart's demise.
Run to the meadow,
Where time doesn't care.
My blue eyes and Levis,
And baby soft hair.
The world smells of clover,
And jasmine and May.
Tristin, my child,
Go barefoot today.

Victoria 1975
Painting: Field of Bluebonnets -by Justin