Wednesday, July 16, 2008


The day was spent and evening drawing nigh..

And yet...

He took the time to brush her hair aside -
And press a gentle kiss upon her neck.

From her....
He drew a puzzled look,
.....and then a smile....
...just a smile.

Dishes in the sink and bills unpaid,
Miles to go before the thought of rest..

.......miles to go.

And yet...

She put some thought into his evening meal.
A little more than usual that day.

And when she fell to slumber in her bed,
With babies in their likeness at her feet...

She dreamed a lovers dream-

Not of the spacious castle where they live,
Not of the silk and satin that she wears,
Not of the lovely diamond on her hand,
Not of their travel to exotic lands.

But of a gift more precious and more prized..

...The kiss...
Just the kiss.

Victoria 2007
Painting: Chocolate Kiss by Justin
-for Frank & Patti